
Showing posts from August, 2022

Once Upon a Farm Organic Fruit & Veggie Blend Mama Blueberry

 8/12/22 Pre shabbas dinner! Once Upon a Farm Organic Fruit & Veggie Blend Mama Blueberry I found these at the Heirloom Giant but have also picked them up at Whole Foods.  It's a good cold non-dairy option as we are still trying to avoid dairy.  I started calling food "Yum Yum" which Rafi pronounces "Mama"; when I pulled out the Mama Blueberry he immediately said "Ma Ma". The 50 calories is about half of what other pouches offer so we'll need to supplement.  Apple is the primary ingredient followed by sweet potato; blueberry is actually third with purified water and coconut milk as the only other ones. Charles: If blue apple had a taste.  The blueberry color overwhelms everything else; the apple taste overwhelms everything else. Brenna: It's not bad.  I like it.  You feel like the blueberry texture, but there is a lightness - can taste the coconut milk.  It's like a lighter smoothie.  Apple juice and an aftertaste at the end. Rafi: <...

Happy Tot Super Bellies Immune Digestive Support Blend Organic Bananas, Carrots & Strawberries

8/8/22 Happy Tot Super Bellies Immune Digestive Support Blend Organic Bananas, Carrots & Strawberries Another Happy Tot immune support as we were trying to get through our man colds.  I am learning how the fruit tastes overwhelm the veggie tastes. Charles: Sweet banana carrot.  I like the orange color.   Brenna: Strong.  Very bananaey.  Tasting strawberry.  Smooth.  I get used to the taste as first scoop was strong/very sweet. Rafi: <wants more> Kosher Pareve under the OU.   .

Sprout Organic Smoothie - Blueberry Banana with Coconut Milk, Veggies & Flax Seed

8/8/22 Sprout Organic Smoothie - Blueberry Banana with Coconut Milk, Veggies & Flax Seed I found this while shopping at Sprouts, though I the grocery store Sprouts is separate from the baby food company Sprout.  As we are still trying to have Rafi avoid dairy, this seemed like a fun buy for him.  We all liked it.  Per the ingredients, purple carrots are the veggie.  I think this would have been helpful to put on the front rather than small print.  Rafi has been exposed to all of these foods before. Charles: Smells like banana; looks like blueberry.  Came out a little thick.  Tasted the blueberry on the second go around (yes, I had a second taste rather than Brenna for a change). Brenna: Simple, flavorful.  Light with a tang.  Thicker but still smooth.  Tastes more smoothie than puree. Rafi: <wants more> Kosher Pareve under the OU.

Happy Tot Super Bellies Immune + Digestive Support Blend Organic Pears, Beets & Blackberries

 7/29/22 Happy Tot Super Bellies Immune + Digestive Support Blend Organic Pears, Beets & Blackberries Another Happy Tot... though we still have some Happy Baby stuff.  Rafi received his second COVID vaccine this day so I thought this would help with any recovery.  He actually responded pretty well to the vaccine.  He has also had all these flavors at some point. Charles: Red peary.  Tasted good.  Had trouble picking up anything else.  Could taste like the skin of the pear almost like thick applesauce... er pear sauce.  With only 1/3 of a beet and four blackberries, the pear overwhelmed everything else. Brenna: A lot of tang.  Roller coaster of flavors. Rafi: <wants more> Kosher Pareve under the OU.

Once Upon a Farm Baby - Organic Plant-Rich Meals - Quinoa, Banana, Spinach & Coconut Butter with Chia Seed

 8/3/22 Once Upon a Farm Baby - Organic Plant-Rich Meals - Quinoa, Banana, Spinach & Coconut Butter with Chia Seed This was another of the frozen meals I got from Whole Foods.  We had two left and Brenna picked this one to serve Rafi.  I was home early because I was sick (Covid negative!) so decided to make him a meal.  Like the previous blog entry, this comes out of the  microwave very hot.  These are food items he has had before.  I also added a picture of what the finished product looks like. Charles - I smell the banana.  I could really only pick up the plain quinoa taste.  It didn't seem special to me.  I don't think it was the cold telling me it was plain. Brenna - I like it.  I like it a lot.  I would eat that normally.  Tasted buttery.  Hearty but light.  Comforting. Rafi: <wants more>  He had about half of it at night and we would finish it the next day cold.  He was also sick so it w...