
Showing posts from December, 2021

First Choice: Rice, Peach & Banana

 12/30/21 It has been a fun experience giving our son solids.  He has liked everything so far.  Based on our diet and time availability, we are using processed baby food.  We thought we would taste what Rafi is trying.  Rafi is just past six months old and has been having solids for about two months.   We limit our choices to kosher food which limits a number of options. First Choice: Rice, Peach & Banana Brenna: It tastes kind of tart.  I can taste some of the banana.  I have no idea what the rice is supposed to taste like. Charles: I picked up the peach far more than the banana.  I also don't know what the rice tastes like. Rafi: <wants more> We also did not heat it up. This was day two of this food as we are still testing for allergies.  Rafi has previously had peach and banana so this is his exposure to rice. Kosher Pareve under the Central Rabbinic Conference and the Orthodox Union.